I didn't intend to write a post tonight. As anyone can tell by looking over the infrequent posting history of this neglected blog, I'm not a dedicated writer. And today, it feels like just one more thing on the laundry list of things I don't do perfectly.
I failed in my 'no-speech' therapy today, even though co-workers were willing to help out and keep me from having to talk. Now my voice hurts.
I've failed in contentment, shedding tears over the desire to sing...and actually trying to sound out a few phrases, when I knew it wasn't a good idea. Of course my voice hurts.
I failed in trusting my God perfectly, not always resting in the truth that His plan is best.
But ya know what? Our heavenly Father loves sinful, fallen human beings. Jesus said that he didn't come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. And right now, even in acknowledging my failures, I can run into the shelter of His wings, asking His forgiveness for my lack of faith...and knowing He cares for me as a father pities his children.
For that, I'm profoundly grateful.
And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you. - Psalm 39:7
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